Meet the Team
Every single one of the 3,300+ children in our Burlingame public schools benefits daily from our community's annual BCE grant! It takes a village and a team to make it possible year after year, but our children are worth it.
BCE is primarily run by parent volunteers who dedicate their talents and time in so many different ways. BCE has an 18 member Board of Directors that govern and direct fundraising efforts, a small but mighty staff team, more than 150 volunteers serving in our VolunteerCorps, additional day-of-event volunteers, and countless BCE Ambassadors that help spread our shared BCE mission.
We need YOU too! Whether you have an hour or more, need flexibility or predictability, want to share your existing skills, or build new ones...all that matters is that you want to help ensure your child receives the best education possible! How will you get involved?
Contact us to learn more.
For more information, email