Did you know the Burlingame School District is among the lowest funded in San Mateo County, on a per student basis?
And, did you know you can help change this? WE can change this!
Measure GG will be on this November’s ballot. It’s a proposed parcel tax to raise funds for teacher salaries, so BSD can offer competitive compensation and attract and retain high quality teachers.
We need your help to get GG passed in support of our teachers and students!

Ten easy ways to help Measure GG
1. Learn the basics of Measure GG. More info can be found on the GG website and in background info from BSD.
2. Vote YES on GG in this November’s election. 2/3 of Burlingame voters must vote in favor of GG, in order for it to pass.
3. Get a GG lawn sign to display in your front yard or car windshield when parked.
4. Tell your Burlingame friends and neighbors about Measure GG and to vote YES on GG! Contact sharylwong@gmail.com, if you'd like GG fliers to distribute.
5. Volunteer to help with the GG campaign.
6. Sign up to advocate around town.
7. Join GG canvassing training on Zoom this Thursday, September 26, 7:30 pm.
8. Join a GG online info/update meeting every Tues 8-9 pm.
9. Donate to support the campaign (Measure GG development, advocacy materials development, printing, lawn signs, targeted mailers, etc. Fundraising target is $100K-$150K, and the campaign is in high need of funds to continue to promote GG).

10. Watch and share these QUICK videos (each is under a minute!) to listen to Hoover and BIS Mom Jen Faber tell you all you need to know about Measure GG: